CARE International
in Cambodia

CARE is an international development organization fighting global poverty with a focus on women and girls to bring sustainable changes to their lives and communities.

save lives,
defeat poverty,
achieve social justice,
and fight for women and girls.

Our focus in Cambodia.

CARE tackles the underlying causes of poverty and social injustice through multiple angles. See how we focus our efforts in Cambodia in the fight against poverty.

Latest News & Stories

STEM CLASS: Cambodian Grade 12” A” Students Excited About Learning

STEM CLASS: Cambodian Grade 12” A” Students Excited About Learning

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A break from the norm: Cambodian Garment Workers get the tools for change

In Cambodia, the garment sector continues to play one of the essential roles in economic development, with women making up most of the workforce, building their resilience, knowledge, and skills in this industry is essential to ensure that women are not left behind.

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Peer education: designing a classroom in their facilities

In a classroom for garment workers, Vorn Navin wore his “peer educator” t-shirt committing to his training duty along his partners of the day.

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