Call for Consultant for training of OPDs on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Cambodia’s textile sector


CARE is an international development organization fighting global poverty with a special focus on working with women and girls to bring sustainable changes their communities. CARE aims to tackle the underlying causes of poverty and social injustice and to bring lasting change to the lives of poor and vulnerable people. Founded in 1945, today CARE works in over 100 countries around the globe and supporting approximately 1,500 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid projects to reach more than 92 million people directly and 433 million people indirectly. CARE works with partners to achieve lasting results for marginalized communities.

CARE has been working with Cambodians since 1973, with an office in Phnom Penh since 1991. Today, CARE focuses on empowering particularly marginalized and vulnerable women in Cambodia, including urban women who are marginalized by occupation, rural women who are denied multiple rights, and women and girls form ethnic minorities. Each year CARE Cambodia implements around 10 projects, reaching approximately 250,000 direct participants and about 500,000 people are reached indirectly.   


CARE is committed to advancing gender equity and social inclusion, including the garment sector. To promote decent and inclusive employment in the textile sector, the project aims to empower Organization of People with Disabilities (OPDs) and enable them to effectively advocate for the rights and inclusion of persons with abilities. CARE is looking for a consultant to facilitate the capacity strengthening of the OPD’s to address the need for knowledge exchange and networking in the textile industry for better inclusion.


The primary objective of this consultancy is to design a training curriculum and facilitate two 3-days training workshops for ten OPD’s on the inclusion of persons with disabilities.

Scope of Works

  • Facilitate two three-day training workshops for ten OPD’s on the inclusion of persons with disabilities into Cambodia’s textile sector.
  • Objective: To equip ten OPD’s with knowledge and skills to promote inclusive and enabling employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in Cambodia’s textile sector.

Tasks includes the following areas:

  1. Organize and conduct two three-day training workshops for ten OPDs (15 participants each).
  2. Develop and deliver training content tailored to the specific needs and challenges identified through the conducted needs assessment.
  3. Introduce participating organizations to transformative approaches, including the gender and power analysis tool and the Social Analysis and Action (SAA) process.
  4. Ensure a safe learning space by conducting workshops in groups of approximately 15 participants in accessible venues.


The consultant will provide the following deliverables:

  • Two specialized three-day training workshops conducted for ten organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs).
  • Training materials and resources tailored to the specific needs and challenges identified.
  • Documentation of peer learning circles and shared best practices.
  • Presentation of the Gender and Power Analysis Tool and the SAA approach to participating organizations.
  • Evaluation report summarizing the effectiveness and impact of the workshops.


The timeline for the consultation and report submission will be no later the Mid-July-2024.

  • 3 Days- Finalize training content and materials based on the needs assessment
  • 3 days-  Conduct the first 3-day training workshop for ten OPDs
  • 3 Days- Conduct the second 3-day training workshop for ten OPD’s
  • 1 Day-  Conduct a debriefing session with CARE and facilitators
  • 4 Days- Prepare and share the final report on the training workshops
  • 14 days- Time period: 1 June to 15 July 2024  


The ideal consultant will have the following qualifications:

  • Knowledge and experience in disability inclusion and disability rights, particularly in the context of Cambodia and the textile sector.
  • Strong facilitation skills and experience in delivering training workshops to diverse groups.
  • Familiarity with transformative approaches, gender and power analysis.
  • Excellent communication skills, including the ability to speak and write in English and Khmer fluently.
  • Experience in working with OPD’s and other stakeholders in the disability sector.
  • Commitment to promoting inclusive and enabling employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in Cambodia’s textile sector.
  • Respect for diversity and cultural sensitivity, including the ability to work with individuals and groups from different backgrounds and experiences.

 The consultancy application should be included:

  • Qualifications and experience of the agency and team members.
  • Proposed activities and timeline.
  • Budget with a summary of costs.

Interested agencies should submit their proposals to by 7 June 2024.

Selection Process

The selection process will include a review of all submitted applications, interviews with shortlisted agencies, and reference checks. The agency that best demonstrates its ability to meet the primary objective of this consultancy (within the proposed timeframe) with the most relevant qualifications and experience will be selected.

For any inquiries or additional information, please contact Senior Procurement and Admin Officer via email:

CARE is an equal-opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply, including women, LGBTQI+ individuals, people with disabilities, members of ethnic minorities, and members of other marginalized groups. CARE International in Cambodia is committed to protecting the rights of children. CARE International in Cambodia reserves the right to conduct screening procedures to ensure a child-safe environment.

CARE places human dignity at the center of its relief and development work. At the heart of CARE’s efforts to impact poverty and social justice is its engagement with marginalized communities, and vulnerable adults and children. Vulnerable adults and children are particularly at risk of sexual exploitation and abuse. CARE commits to the protection from sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse (PSHEA) of vulnerable adults, involving CARE Employees and Related Personnel. CARE has zero tolerance toward sexual exploitation and abuse and child abuse. CARE takes seriously all concerns and complaints about sexual exploitation and abuse and child abuse involving CARE Employees and Related Personnel.

We are committed to each other and to the protection of the people we serve.  We do not tolerate sexual misconduct within or external to our organization and imbed child protection in all we do.  Protection from sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse and child protection are fundamental to our relationships, including employment, and our recruitment practices are designed to ensure we only recruit people who are suitable to work with other staff and the people we serve.  As well as pre-employment checks, we will use the recruitment and reference process to ensure potential new staff understand and are aligned with these expectations.

To find out more, please contact the Human Resources Officer through email:”  (